Sunday, August 2, 2020

10 foods that help you to get that healthy tan

Nature offers us products that can contribute to our health and beauty. Some foods can even help us to have beautiful sunny skin!
How does it work? Some foods contain a high amount of beta-carotene a precursor of vitamin A, which improves tanning by stimulating melanin production.
The following 10 healthy foods promise, among other things, to help us achieve that perfect summer glow. It’s worth the cost to try!
Here’s what you can add to your menu for the perfect all-over tan as well as staying safe in the sun.
1. Carrots
Carrot is one of the best skin-friendly food as it contains a high level of beta-carotene, which can give us healthy skin from the inside by flushing out toxins.
Beta-carotene promotes a beautiful pigmentation of the skin.
And since a carrot contains only 36 calories per 100g, it is a diet ally that allows you to have a healthy and tanned body.
2. Tomato
Even if it doesn’t have the orange color, the tomato contains beta-carotene in large quantities, i.e., 1500 μg per 100g,
Its rich lycopene gives it its red color and fights against free radicals, which are responsible for the premature aging of the skin, especially in case of repeated solar exposure.
3. Wheat germ
Wheat is a source of vitamin E and contains antioxidants; this helps protect the skin from UV rays and makes it more flexible.
Wheat can be used in the form of flakes to sprinkle (on salads at a rate of one teaspoon per day) or in the form of oil. You can also apply the oil directly to your skin in case of sunburn.
4. Grapefruit
This citrus fruit contains much more carotene (110 μg per 100g) than orange (30 μg per 100g).
In reverse, an American study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in 2015 mentioned that there is a link between frequent consumption of citrus fruit and the appearance of melanoma. Its use will, therefore, remain limited in case of exposure to the sun.
5. Peas
Peas also contain beta-carotene, which is assimilated better by the body if the peas are cooked because the carotenoids of cooked foods are better absorbed than those of raw foods.
Leafy green vegetables (such as Romaine Lettuce, Spinach) and cruciferous vegetables (like cabbage) also contain beta-carotene in significant amounts. To optimize the tan, one must also consume them cooked.
6. Peppers
Pepper boosts the tan. But it’s actually red pepper that’s richer in beta-carotene, not the yellow or green ones. At 800 μg per 100g, the amount of beta-carotene is increased when red pepper is cooked.
In addition, its vitamin C protects the skin from aging.
7. Mangoes
Mango is a fruit rich in beta-carotene that also has a high amount of vitamin C, pectin, and fibers, which help to lower cholesterol levels. Also, its high volume of vitamin A strengthens the action of Sunrays. This tasty fruit makes it possible to obtain a glowing and smooth tan.
8. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potato is a very good source of B vitamins. It contains vitamin B6, which makes it easier for the skin to tan.
In addition, their beta-carotene content strengthens this effect. A recent study has revealed that a minimum of 3-5 grams of fat per meal significantly improves our uptake of beta-carotene from sweet potatoes.
9. Cantaloupe
The orange color of this melon bears witness to its high beta-carotene content.
This fruit also contains a lot of water, and as we know, a skin well-hydrated get tanned more easily and more beautifully, avoiding the effect “crocodile skin,” which refers to the dry skin.
10. Apricots
Apricot has a protective role against cancer because it encourages the elimination of toxins, and it’s also rich in beta-carotene.
The dried apricot contains much more than the fresh one: 2100 μg per 100g on average compared to 1500 for the fresh apricot.
Be careful, however: the dried apricot is also much richer in sugar …

Fei Fei Author: Fei Fei

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