Sunday, August 2, 2020

10 foods that help you to get that healthy tan

Nature offers us products that can contribute to our health and beauty. Some foods can even help us to have beautiful sunny skin!
How does it work? Some foods contain a high amount of beta-carotene a precursor of vitamin A, which improves tanning by stimulating melanin production.
The following 10 healthy foods promise, among other things, to help us achieve that perfect summer glow. It’s worth the cost to try!
Here’s what you can add to your menu for the perfect all-over tan as well as staying safe in the sun.
1. Carrots
Carrot is one of the best skin-friendly food as it contains a high level of beta-carotene, which can give us healthy skin from the inside by flushing out toxins.
Beta-carotene promotes a beautiful pigmentation of the skin.
And since a carrot contains only 36 calories per 100g, it is a diet ally that allows you to have a healthy and tanned body.
2. Tomato
Even if it doesn’t have the orange color, the tomato contains beta-carotene in large quantities, i.e., 1500 μg per 100g,
Its rich lycopene gives it its red color and fights against free radicals, which are responsible for the premature aging of the skin, especially in case of repeated solar exposure.
3. Wheat germ
Wheat is a source of vitamin E and contains antioxidants; this helps protect the skin from UV rays and makes it more flexible.
Wheat can be used in the form of flakes to sprinkle (on salads at a rate of one teaspoon per day) or in the form of oil. You can also apply the oil directly to your skin in case of sunburn.
4. Grapefruit
This citrus fruit contains much more carotene (110 μg per 100g) than orange (30 μg per 100g).
In reverse, an American study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in 2015 mentioned that there is a link between frequent consumption of citrus fruit and the appearance of melanoma. Its use will, therefore, remain limited in case of exposure to the sun.
5. Peas
Peas also contain beta-carotene, which is assimilated better by the body if the peas are cooked because the carotenoids of cooked foods are better absorbed than those of raw foods.
Leafy green vegetables (such as Romaine Lettuce, Spinach) and cruciferous vegetables (like cabbage) also contain beta-carotene in significant amounts. To optimize the tan, one must also consume them cooked.
6. Peppers
Pepper boosts the tan. But it’s actually red pepper that’s richer in beta-carotene, not the yellow or green ones. At 800 μg per 100g, the amount of beta-carotene is increased when red pepper is cooked.
In addition, its vitamin C protects the skin from aging.
7. Mangoes
Mango is a fruit rich in beta-carotene that also has a high amount of vitamin C, pectin, and fibers, which help to lower cholesterol levels. Also, its high volume of vitamin A strengthens the action of Sunrays. This tasty fruit makes it possible to obtain a glowing and smooth tan.
8. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potato is a very good source of B vitamins. It contains vitamin B6, which makes it easier for the skin to tan.
In addition, their beta-carotene content strengthens this effect. A recent study has revealed that a minimum of 3-5 grams of fat per meal significantly improves our uptake of beta-carotene from sweet potatoes.
9. Cantaloupe
The orange color of this melon bears witness to its high beta-carotene content.
This fruit also contains a lot of water, and as we know, a skin well-hydrated get tanned more easily and more beautifully, avoiding the effect “crocodile skin,” which refers to the dry skin.
10. Apricots
Apricot has a protective role against cancer because it encourages the elimination of toxins, and it’s also rich in beta-carotene.
The dried apricot contains much more than the fresh one: 2100 μg per 100g on average compared to 1500 for the fresh apricot.
Be careful, however: the dried apricot is also much richer in sugar …

Here are the best vitamins to increase concentration in children

The mother always cares about the health of her child and seeks to provide him with healthy food to grow correctly. An important thing that cannot be ignored is the interest in increasing concentration and developing mental abilities in children, which drives us today to provide the best vitamins to increase focus in children.
Here are the best vitamins to increase concentration in children:

Vitamin C:

The body needs to get vitamin C because it protects against many oxidative-related diseases such as Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, and Huntington's disease. It also has a role in the manufacture of adrenaline and dopamine, increasing the rate of concentration and protecting from exposure to heart attacks, which means that low vitamin C affects negatively on neurons, this vitamin can be obtained through nutritional supplements or through the following foods:
Vegetables such as spinach, turnip, cauliflower, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, and squash.
Fruits such as mangoes, cantaloupe, kiwi, strawberry, pineapple, papaya, watermelon, and berries.

Omega 3:

Fish oil contains omega-3, which works to increase focus and strengthen memory in addition to developing mental capacities as it reduces dispersion and stimulates blood circulation in addition to that it works to lower blood pressure and reduce the rate of harmful cholesterol and increase the speed of beneficial cholesterol.

Vitamin E:

There are many benefits of vitamin E, including fighting cell damage and fighting Alzheimer's disease, in addition to increasing the rate of concentration and strengthening memory. Vitamin E also works to enhance and improve memory and helps your child focus and reduce dispersion. We find that some studies say that vitamin E can help in treatment. From Alzheimer's, here is one of the most important sources of vitamin E:

Oils including sunflower oil, wheat germ oil, corn oil, safflower oil, almond oil, and canola oil.
Nuts including peanuts, almonds, nuts, hazelnuts, cashew nuts, pistachios.
Vegetables: turnip, chard, dandelion, and spinach.
Fruits: such as mangoes, berries, kiwi, and apricots.
Fish: like cod, salmon.

Vitamin B12:

One of the essential vitamins necessary for the human body is vitamin B12, as it contributes to strengthening memory and slowing aging, in addition to increasing concentration and increasing the rate of production of blood cells. It is also essential for mental functions, as a lack of vitamin b12 may cause memory loss and permanent nerve damage.

Chicken and beef, liver and seafood such as sardines, tuna, and salmon.
Soy milk and dairy products such as cheese, milk, and milk.
Nutritional yeast, fortified tofu.

Vitamin B1:

We find that vitamin B1 also has many benefits that cannot be ignored, that it helps in developing the child's mental capabilities, as it improves memory and increases the concentration rate in addition to providing the body with energy and activity, Vitamin B1 can be obtained from the following foods:

Seeds like flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, and pistachios.
Fish as tuna and salmon.
Legumes such as white and black beans, lentils.
Vegetables like pumpkin, grilled potatoes, and broccoli.
Beef, liver, eggs, wheat germ, and nuts.

Vitamin B9:

One of the vitamins that are very important to your child's health is vitamin B9 because it enhances the brain's functions and contributes to maintaining your child's mental health. Therefore, a pregnant woman is always advised to take a large amount of folic acid. Thus, a lack of vitamin B9 causes several symptoms such as shortness of breath, a decrease in Appetite, glossitis, gingivitis, diarrhea, forgetfulness, and difficulty concentrating.
Folic acid can be obtained from the following sources:
Beans, avocado, whole grains, leafy vegetables, milk, and salmon.
Leafy greens, citrus fruits, and milk.

The best foods that made your immune system stronger and energized

The organism usually derives the nutrients it needs necessary for a healthy life through food. There is no doubt that these foods contribute significantly to raising the strength of the human immune system, especially in cases of epidemics, the best weapon against epidemics is the immune system, so we must care to strengthen our effective defense, the immune system.
With the spread of many viruses and epidemics in recent times, including the Coronavirus, we recommend some foods that contain many nutrients, which in turn strengthen the human immune system.

Food that strengthens the immune system:

citrus fruits:
Citrus fruits contain vitamin C, which helps to produce white blood cells, and these cells enhance the human immune system as they fight infection. Because the human body does not provide and store vitamin C, it is advised to obtain it through food daily for a person to enjoy a healthy life. Examples of citrus fruits that contain vitamin C are grapefruit, lemon, and orange.

Red pepper:

Red pepper contains a double amount of vitamin C compared to those in citrus fruits, and it is a rich source of beta-carotene which helps significantly to enhance the body's immune system. Beta-carotene contributes significantly to maintaining the health of your eyes and skin. Vitamin C also not only boosts the immune system but also helps keep healthy skin.

Broccoli or green cauliflower:
Broccoli or green cauliflower, which is the most popular food rich in vitamins and minerals, contains essential vitamins, including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E, in addition to several antioxidants and other fibers. It's best to eat it raw or undercooked to get its full benefits.

the Garlic:

Garlic is one of the most famous vegetables found in almost every kitchen in the world, and it is an infection-fighting food that helps reduce blood pressure and slows hardening of the arteries and helps Garlic boost the immune system through sulfur-containing compounds such as allicin.


Ginger is one of the popular ingredients that are added to food. Ginger has therapeutic properties, as it helps reduce infections such as sore throats, reduces nausea, relieves chronic pain, and lowers cholesterol.


Spinach is one of the essential vegetables that you can eat, as its importance is not limited to containing only vitamin C! Instead, it was also found to contain many antioxidants and beta-carotene, which increases the ability of the immune system to fight infection. It is recommended to eat it when cooking lightly to ensure that it retains full nutrients, as it has been proven that light cooking enhances vitamin A, and releases other substances such as acid Oxalic.


Yogurt is one of the dairy products and granulated for many. It is preferred to eat regular yogurt instead of other yogurt products that carry flavors and artificial sugar, you can add healthy fruits to it, as well as you can sweeten it with honey, and it is recommended to strengthen the immune system, as it contains vitamin D, which regulates the work The immune system also stimulates the body to be ready to face various diseases.


Almonds contain vitamin E, which is one of the vitamins that help to strengthen the immune system and fight infection, so it is advised to eat a portion of almonds equivalent to 46 peeled almonds daily, then you will ensure that you get a 100% share of the required vitamin E.


One of the essential spices that give food a pleasant taste and its role is not limited to the kitchen but also has therapeutic properties, as it was used previously in the treatment of infections such as arthritis and rheumatoid infections. Turmeric contains curcumin that helps reduce muscle damage that occurs When playing sports.

Green tea:

Green tea contains many antioxidants such as EGCG, which boosts the function of the immune system, and it also includes the amino acid L-theanine that contributes to the production of antibacterial compounds in T cells.


Papaya contains vitamin C in a huge percentage, so one papaya provides you with about 224% of your body's needs for vitamin C per day and papaya includes a digestive enzyme called papain, a protein that has anti-inflammatory properties, and contains large amounts of potassium, vitamin B and folate, all of which are elements Supports your health.


Kiwi contains many essential nutrients such as folate, potassium, vitamin K, and vitamin C, which boosts white blood cells to fight infection, and other kiwi nutrients help support your body to work healthily.


When you get sick and eat delicious chicken soup that improves your health, and that feeling is medically sound, poultry is rich in vitamin B6, which is necessary for many chemical reactions taking place inside the human body, which is also required to form new healthy red blood cells. The broth resulting from boiling chicken bones contains gelatin, chondroitin, and some other nutrients beneficial to the human body's immunity.

sunflower seeds:

Sunflower seeds are full of many nutrients such as phosphorous, magnesium, vitamin B6 and also vitamin E, which is one of the most potent antioxidants, and it has a role in regulating and strengthening the functions of the immune system.


It is one of the foods that boost the immune system because it contains zinc, and it is one of the minerals the immune system needs for our bodies. Although many do not care about it, it is necessary for our bodies, but its overuse may prevent the immune system from functioning.

Learn the best diets for 2020, and the pros and cons of each

When we talk about the best foods, we do not mean the best ones for weight loss in particular, but rather the best eats in general, where a group of scientists, doctors, and nutritionists rated the best diets based on the extent of their weight loss in the short and long term, the size of their richness in essential nutrients, and the extent Ease of following a diet, its safety, and its ability to prevent and control chronic severe diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Of course, if we want to talk about the best diets for weight loss, for example, or the best for controlling diabetes, the arrangement may differ somewhat. Still, in this article, we will talk about the best diets in general, which combine all these features in a different way, which is recommended to be followed in a significant way.
So let us know together with the best diets that experts advise to follow in 2020:

Mediterranean diet:
It is one of the best foods ever, and what makes this diet special is that it is a way of life rather than a diet with strict instructions that must be adhered to. Scientists have noted that the people of countries around the Mediterranean basin enjoy better health than the inhabitants of the continent North America, and they attributed this to their diet rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, and other useful foods, and deficient in saturated fats, carbohydrates and red meat.
This diet is considered the healthiest diet ever, and it is relatively easy to follow because of its richness in many food items. It helps to reduce weight in the short and long term in a relative way. The Mediterranean diet is the best diet ever for patients suffering from disease Diabetes, and the second-best diet after the Ornish diet for patients suffering from heart disease. It can be said that what is wrong with this diet is that it is a little expensive, but it is, without a doubt, one of the best foods.

Dash Diet
The Dash diet is considered the second-best food in 2020, according to expert opinion. Experts originally put this diet to treat or prevent arterial hypertension, and the content of the Dash diet depends on fruits, vegetables, low-fat milk products and protein in addition to staying away from full foods in saturated fats such as fatty meat, whole milk products, tropical oils, as well as sugars and sweets.

The Dash diet is a truly balanced diet, which made it among the list of the best foods, as it limits salt significantly, which contributes to controlling arterial blood pressure and preventing coronary heart disease. Similar to the Mediterranean diet, this diet helps lose weight in the short and long term. It is also perfect for patients with diabetes, but following this diet is a little more complicated compared to the Mediterranean diet.

Flexitarian diet:
This diet was ranked second among the best foods similar to the Dash diet, and its name is a combination of flexible and vegetarian. As the name clearly shows, this diet is almost entirely dependent on the vegetarian diet and avoids meat. The decision is up to the person who wishes to follow the diet about whether He wanted to avoid meat altogether or occasionally eat less meat.

This diet helps you lose weight in the short and long term quickly and is also very suitable for patients suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and while following this diet is very easy due to the presence of many delicious and varied recipes. Still, some people who prefer not to eat fruits and vegetables may find following this diet very difficult. Nevertheless, their observed results make them occupy a prominent position among the best foods.

Weight Watchers Diet:
This diet differs significantly from the rest of the best food diets, as this diet is considered a complete program that prepares the company of the same name, as the company helps subscribers to eat healthy food and exercise, through a complicated system in which specific points are awarded for each type of food, according to Its nutritional value.

The disadvantage of this diet is that it may be costly, according to the program that you choose to follow, but what distinguishes it is that it helps you to devise a special diet of your own that suits your tastes and does not deprive you of any kind of food, which makes its followers really easy. Of course, this diet is considered healthy in a way Big, but what distinguishes it is that it helps to lose extra pounds very effectively, as it is regarded as one of the best diets for losing weight.

Mayo Clinic Diet:
This diet works on two levels. On the one hand, it focuses on weight loss, of course, and is also equally crucial for a healthy lifestyle. When you follow this diet, which is classified among the best nutrition, you should reconsider the eating habits that support and the pattern of your food. Therefore, the focus of this diet is to break bad habits and create a safer one. All of this is get done with the help of the Mayo Clinic food pyramid, where this pyramid emphasizes the importance of vegetables, fruits, and legumes in general.
The reason for choosing these foods specifically is that they do not contain many calories, which allows you to eat large amounts of them without gaining weight. The Mayo Clinic diet is considered the best food for patients with type 2 diabetes, as the diet followed by this diet reduces blood sugar and maintains it within the average level. All it takes is long patience, and it may be expensive for some.

Benefits of lemon peel for diet

The benefits of lemon peel for the diet are many, as the lemon peel is a great way to get rid of excess body fat by burning it and works to adjust the cholesterol level, really it is a wonderful plant as it is one of the citrus fruits that have many benefits, as the lemon is very beneficial to human health because it contains It contains many important anti-compounds such as those for oxidation and others.
Is lemon peel really a powerful aid in losing weight?
Through realistic experiences of many obesity patients who have made several attempts to lose weight and get rid of fat, it becomes clear how effective the lemon peel is and its clear support to everyone who used it in dieting, and it is very effective in burning the accumulated body fat and helps in slimming. Despite the reality of experiments with the effectiveness of lemons and its support for diet, to this time, it has not been proven through scientific research that is subject to the scientific rules and foundations to the role of lemons in slimming during a period of time, but it is accepted in the science and its own research that weight loss depends on ability Actual caloric intake reduced to the body besides exercise.

With the right steps, methods for using lemon peel for a successful diet:

The use of lemon and its peel is something that needs careful handling in order to lose weight in a period of time not long, as some carefully studied steps are followed in order to obtain impressive slimming results, as the following steps are followed:
Bring a kilo of lemon, then prepare it with thorough washing with water, then squeeze it and collect its peels in a bowl.
Bring two liters of water and put them in a container, then add the lemon peel to the pot and leave the pot on the fire for about half an hour, in order to boil the water with the peels well.
This boiling water is carefully filtered and then kept away from the crusts that served its mission.
Use filtered water by adding it to the pre-squeezed lemon juice and mixing well, and then keeping this mixture inside the refrigerator until use.
Begin using this drink, as it is necessary to consider drinking a full cup of it about eating about a quarter of an hour before eating, and for this effect to be stronger, it is preferable to reduce the amounts of food and make the basic meals over four meals instead of three.
These steps and this use of the lemon should be permanent for about three months without interruption.
But there is something that must be pointed out, that the use of lemon and its peels is not appropriate at all with those suffering from acidity and ulcers so that the matter does not get worse.

The benefits of avocados for bodybuilding

What are the benefits of avocado for bodybuilding?

Many bodybuilders wonder what avocado benefits there are for bodybuilding? That is why we would like to clarify its multiple benefits:

Avocado fruits contain a high percentage of protein needed for bodybuilders, especially since protein is the most important component of muscle building.

Avocado bodybuilding players help them boost testosterone production in the body, which is one of the elements needed to build better muscle.

Avocado contains many nutrients that fight inflammation, thus protecting the player’s body from exposure to muscle inflammation.

General avocado benefits

Avocado fruits contain many antioxidants such as beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and other antioxidants that work to strengthen the immune system in the body and thus protect the body from infection with many diseases.

These fruits contain magnesium, which contributes to maintaining cardiovascular health and protecting people from strokes.

These fruits contain folic acid and vitamin B as well as trans fats that are good for the body. The antioxidants present in these fruits help to fight free radicals in the body, thereby protecting the body from exposure to cancerous diseases, and from the appearance of early signs of aging on the skin. These fruits contain a good amount of dietary fiber, which works to suppress appetite, which leads to a feeling of satiety and therefore does not lead to an increase in body weight. Dietary fiber in these fruits helps treat many stomach problems such as constipation, diarrhea, and others. Eating avocado fruits helps to control the level of cholesterol in the blood, thus protecting the body from heart attacks or atherosclerosis.

Benefits of dates before exercise for the bodybuilder

Bodybuilders are keen to build muscle through exercise, and there are other elements that help in building muscle speed, and in this article we explain the benefits of dates before exercise for the bodybuilder.

Dates are a summer plant known for its high nutritional value, and the Arabs relied on it as an essential source of food, and dates are a solid nucleus, surrounded by a shell called cotter, and after this cover, there is the part that is eaten in the dates. Dates are oval in shape, the size ranges between 20ml to 50ml, and contains many nutrients necessary for building the human body, such as carbohydrates, sugars, fiber, fats, vitamin C, protein, manganese, and a percentage of water.

BodyBuilding and dates

Bodybuilding is a sport that relies on a number of exercises to build muscles, and to highlight them in a large way, which gives the person a strong and attractive appearance, which is what most young people seek. It is essential that the bodybuilder is keen on proper nutrition and eating foods that have a high nutritional value, to build muscle quickly, and the most important foods that a bodybuilder should eat is dates.

Benefits of dates for health

Dates contain a high content of iron, which contributes to the treatment of anemia and anemia. Dates help treat heart disease, thanks to the iron. It contains fructose, which contributes to the treatment of constipation. It reduces the possibility of allergies because it contains zinc. Eating dates on an empty stomach in the morning will strengthen the liver and improve its functions. It combats bacteria and worms. The body gives the energy necessary for daily tasks, as it contains a group of vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B, in addition to containing a percentage of fat, sugars, phosphorous, and other nutrients. It provides the eyes plaster, protects them from dryness, and maintains their luster and shine. Eating dates helps strengthen the sense of sight. It contributes to treating the problem of hearing loss. Dates are soothing to the nerves, and they reduce nervous tension and anxiety. It helps wash kidneys and improves their functions. It helps revitalize the thyroid gland. Dates moisturize the intestine and regulate its movement. Reduces the risk of heart attacks. Eating drenched dates on an empty stomach can treat a cough. It also helps get rid of phlegm and sore throats. Dates help treat gout. Treats hemorrhoids. Adjusts the blood pH. It helps in treating sexual disorders. It treats high blood pressure. Treats kidney stones and gallbladder. It protects against colon and bowel cancer. It protects the body from toxins, thanks to its potassium and sodium content. Reduces harmful cholesterol in the blood. It contains fluorine that prevents teeth from decay. It helps in treating fragility and rickets, as it contains phosphorous and calcium. It treats anorexia. Rheumatism and joint pain treatment. It contains Vitamin A, which helps maintain skin moisture and protects it from dehydration.

Benefits of dates before exercise for the bodybuilder

Dates contain a set of nutritional values, the most important of which is protein, which helps build muscle. Dates give the body energy and vitality, as it provides the body with about 3000 calories (about 280 calories per hundred grams of dates). Dates contain many elements and minerals, such as iron, potassium, sulfur, copper, and others. It gives a feeling of satiety, which helps to maintain a healthy weight for the bodybuilder. In addition to containing 65% of sugars, 2.5% fibers, 2% proteins, and 2% of mineral salts and fats.

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